Care and International Migration: Comparing Migrant Care Worker Policies in Taiwan and South Korea
時間:109年11月26日(四) 12:30~14:00
講者:錢宜群 (政大政治系助理教授)
Industrialized countries around the world are facing rapid demographic changes, including declining fertility rates, greater longevity, and an aging population, and these are creating unprecedented challenges in care provision. Many East Asian countries have used migrant care workers to solve the challenges of labour shortages in the social welfare sector. This talk explores why East Asian countries have adopted different policy approaches to recruiting migrant care workers. By comparing the migrant care worker policies, I will map out the political mechanisms that determine the levels of rights, labour mobility, and access to membership rights for migrant care workers in Taiwan and South Korea. I argue that migrant care worker policies manifest how care work, citizenship, and gender equality are defined and contested by the receiving society.