2025.1.13 本院郭銘傑國際長與黃凱苹副教授先後代表張佑宗院長赴紐西蘭威靈頓維多利亞大學歷史、哲學、政治與國際關係學院院與紐西蘭當代中國研究中心拜訪,為三方後續在研究與教學上進行國際合作搭建橋樑。
On January 13, 2025, on behalf of Dean Yu-tzung Chang, Associate Dean for International Affairs Jason Kuo and Associate Professor Kai-Ping Huang visited the School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations at Victoria University of Wellington, as well as the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre. The visit aimed to establish a foundation for future international collaboration in research and teaching among the three parties in the near future.