


【活動資訊】2023.06.01【金九講座演講】 From Anti-Japan to Anti-China: South Koreans’ Changing Public Sentiments and Implications for the Indo-Pacific Region

2023 臺大金九教授講座

KIM KOO NTU Professor Public Lecture



亞比中心很榮幸邀請到史丹佛大學的Gi-Wook Shin教授擔任今年的金九教授,他將於6月1日星期四假臺大社會科學院108室公開演說,深入探討南韓社會對東亞鄰國的情感如何與印太區域政治及國際關係相互牽連、影響。

South Korean public sentiment towards China has drastically deteriorated over the past few years, becoming even worse than sentiment toward Japan. In this talk, Professor Gi-Wook Shin will illuminate factors that contribute to Koreans’ negative views of China, from resentment towards economic retaliation over THAAD deployment to culture wars over hanbok and kimchi. He will draw comparisons to Koreans’ historically negative sentiments of Japan and anti-American sentiments of past decades, and discuss how these anti-China sentiments may play out in the Yoon Suk-Yeol administration’s policy towards China and the U.S.-ROK alliance. Finally, he will address the implications of Korea’s evolving views of China for the Indo-Pacific region, including Taiwan.


Gi-Wook Shin教授是史丹佛大學蕭爾斯坦亞太研究中心(Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center)主任,同時也是該大學弗里曼·斯伯格里國際問題研究所(Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies) 高級研究員,他並創設了史丹佛大學韓國學程。身為比較歷史與政治社會學家,Shin教授的研究領域集中在社會運動、國族主義、發展、民主與國際關係。他的學術著作散見於各學術期刊,並出版了25本專書。Shin教授於2023年夏天創設Stanford Next Asia Policy Lab(SNAPL),這個倡議將匯聚亞洲學者,跨越學術領域,以問題與政策導向的比較研究與出版,從社會、文化、經濟與政治等層面探討亞洲在人才流動與發展、國族主義與種族主義、美國─亞洲關係與民主危機與改革等4個領域的新興議題。更多資訊詳見 (Gi-Wook Shin's BIOGRAPHY)。

KIM KOO NTU Professor Public Lecture

Sign up here:https://forms.gle/L8xQpnC3sL2DAM2d6

Why is the prevailing resentment in South Korea directed towards China rather than Japan? Does China's economic retaliation against South Korea's deployment of missiles contribute to the growing anti-China sentiment among South Koreans? Or is the cultural war over the origin of kimchi also a factor? Perhaps this resentment is a natural reaction to anxiety about China's rise. Regardless of these questions that may never be answered, what's more important is how the significant shift in South Korea-China relations will influence the Indo-Pacific region and East Asian countries, including Taiwan.

This year we are honored to have Professor Gi-Wook Shin from Stanford University as our Kim Koo-NTU Professor. He will give a public lecture on Thursday, June 1st at Room 108, Social Sciences College, National Taiwan University. In this public lecture, he will explore the connection and interplay between South Koreans' collective sentiments towards their neighbors and the geopolitics and international relations within the Indo-Pacific region.

The abstract of this public lecture is as follows:
South Korean public sentiment towards China has drastically deteriorated over the past few years, becoming even worse than sentiment toward Japan. In this talk, Professor Gi-Wook Shin will illuminate factors that contribute to Koreans’ negative views of China, from resentment towards economic retaliation over THAAD deployment to culture wars over hanbok and kimchi. He will draw comparisons to Koreans’ historically negative sentiments of Japan and anti-American sentiments of past decades, and discuss how these anti-China sentiments may play out in the Yoon Suk-Yeol administration’s policy towards China and the U.S.-ROK alliance. Finally, he will address the implications of Korea’s evolving views of China for the Indo-Pacific region, including Taiwan.

This lecture is a hybrid event, primarily held in person, but also allowing remote participation through online streaming. Please register early for this event to ensure you don't miss out.

Professor Gi-Wook Shin is the William J. Perry Professor of Contemporary Korea in Sociology; senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies; the director of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center since 2005; and the founding director of the Korea Program, all at Stanford University. As a historical-comparative and political sociologist, his research has concentrated on social movements, nationalism, development, democracy, and international relations. He is the author/editor of twenty-five books and numerous articles. You can find more details here: