


【活動資訊】2018年05月15日【亞比五月演講—性別與工作】How “Good Teachers” Become “Good Mothers” and “Good Workers” in South Korea


From Work-Family Conflict to Work-Family Alignment: How “Good Teachers” Become “Good Mothers” and “Good Workers” in South Korea

主講人:Miliann Kang (Fulbright Senior Scholar, Ewha Womans University and Associate Professor, Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies and Sociology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Prof. Kang 為性別與工作的專家,其專書《The Managed Hands》研究在美國的韓裔移民從事美髮沙龍的身體勞動,深具影響。本次來台與我們分享她正在韓國進行的研究,切勿錯過!

另外Prof. Kang也在演講結束後保留了一段與大家交流的時間,如有研究上遭遇的問題或學術生涯規劃等問題,想要進一步跟她交換意見的話,請填此表單報名:https://tinyurl.com/yanoz39c,並記得當天帶著提問前來參與喔!

The teaching profession is one of the largest women-dominated employment niches in many national contexts, yet the gender, work and family negotiations within this profession have been understudied. The case study of South Korean teachers, one of the most highly qualified teaching workforces in the world, illuminates how particular professions create specific challenges as well as supports for work and family that can counter national patterns of women’s low labor force participation. This study moves beyond the dominant theoretical debates regarding “work-family conflict” and “work-life balance” to develop the framework of “work-family alignment.” This framework incorporates cultural, ideological and functional dimensions and builds on scholarly and public debates relevant to South Korea and other Asian countries. Finally, it offers recommendations for how to support women’s efforts to negotiate work and family, and what lessons can be drawn for other professional and national settings.
