


109學年臺灣大學國際學位生各類獎學金續領/新領,即日起至5月8日受理申請Applications for 2020-21 NTU Scholarships for International Students are open (by May 8)



(1) 國際優秀研究生獎學金續領(校補助)[金額視獲獎類別而定]

(2) 國際學位生助學金續領(校補助)[免學雜費+每月新台幣6千元]

(3) 國際學位生助學金新領(校補助)[免學雜費+每月新台幣6千元]

(4) 國際學位生助學金新領(院補助)[一次領取新台幣3萬6千元]

(1) 未具僑生、陸生、港澳生身份,且不具中華民國國籍者。
(2) 大學部前一學年學業成績總平均GPA達3.0以上,且未受學校申誡以上處分者。
(3) 碩士班或博士班前一學年學業成績總平均GPA達3.3以上,且未受學校申誡以上處分者。
(4) 具社科院學籍。
(5) 2020年春季(108學年第2學期)入學者不具申請資格。

(1) 填寫紙本申請表(如附件),印下後Page 2簽名,並交至院辦公室
(2) 將居留證、歷年成績單、臺大在學證明、1A4簡歷*,傳送至 syhung@ntu.edu.tw, 郵件主旨為 你的學號- 109學年國際學生獎學金申請, 即完成申請程序。


承辦人:社會科學院413辦公室 洪曉盈小姐 (02)3366-8434

Applications for 2020-21 NTU Scholarships for International Students are now open! You are eligible to apply if you are:

(1) an international bachelor degree program student with an average GPA of 3.0 or above in 2019 Spring and 2019 Fall semesters
(2) an international master or PhD degree program student with an average GPA of 3.3 or above in 2019 Spring and 2019 Fall semesters
(3) affiliated to College of Social Sciences

Note that:
(1) Local Taiwanese students, Chinese citizens, overseas Chinese born abroad (僑生), and 2020 Spring-entry students shall not apply.
(2) From AY2020-21 onwards, you need to submit application each year to continue receiving the scholarship you were awarded when you were first admitted to NTU.


To apply, please
(1) Fill out the application formas attached to this announcement, have it printed out, signed, and submitted to the college office (Rm 413 of the Social Sciences Building)

(2) Email the scanned/electronic copy of (a) NTU enrollment certificate, (b) NTU official transcript, (c) ARC card, and (d) CV (within ONE A4 age), to syhung@ntu.edu.tw . Entitle the email as YOUR STUDENT ID# for 2020-21 international student scholarship application.  

(3) The entire application procedure should be completed by May 8, 2020.

If granted, you will obtain one of the following:

(1) The eligibility of receiving the scholarship you were awarded when you were first admitted to NTU for another one academic year

(2) Tuition waived plus TWD6,000 per month for one academic year

(3) TWD36,000 in a single installment

Contact person: 
Ms. Shiau-ying HUNG
Tel: 02-3366-8434
E-mail: syhung@ntu.edu.tw