社工系學術講座:Faith-Based Rehabilitation for Drug Abuse in Indonesia: A Spiritual Approach of Social Work
(二)地點:Department of Social Work, National Taiwan University R104 臺大社會社工系館 104 教室
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〔講題〕 Faith-Based Rehabilitation for Drug Abuse in Indonesia: A Spiritual Approach of Social Work
講者:Nurliana Cipta Apsari (Lia) (Lecturer, University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia)
Budi Muhammad Taftazani (Lecturer, University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia)
Meilanny Budiarti Santoso (Lecturer, University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia)
主持:Yi-Yi Chen, Associate Pro. 臺大社工系 陳怡伃 副教授
Nurliana Cipta Apsari, known as Lia, is a faculty member at the Social Work Department at the University of Padjadjaran Indonesia. Her interest lies in the practice of child welfare. She has been working as a social worker with vulnerable groups through casework, group work, community work, and policy practice.
Indonesia is in a state of drug crisis, both for the misuse and the distribution of drugs. Various institutions for drug abuse rehabilitation have been established, including Islamic based rehabilitation using ritual spiritualism. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, the study describes the rehabilitation process at a faith-based rehabilitation centre with a spiritual approach of social work. The result shows long-term religious activities have replaced the drug abusers’ behaviors and further process to strengthen drug-free status is necessary.
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