


【Scholarship 獎學金】2023社科院國際學位生獎學金即日起至5/26止受理申請 Applications for the 2023 College of Social Sciences Scholarship for International Students are open (until May 26)




 1) 填寫申請表 ( 請進入 https://forms.gle/5Wz4cB3HazZY6j6y8填寫提交)
 2) 完成填寫申請表後,請將學生證正面居留證正反面、歷年成績單、在學證明掃描後,傳送
     至 r12941039.ntu@gmail.com,,郵件主旨為 你的學號- 2023國際學生獎助學金申請, 即完成申請程序。


承辦人:社會科學院413辦公室 洪曉盈小姐 (02)3366-8434


Applications for the 2023 NTU College of Social Sciences Scholarship for International Students are now open! You are eligible to apply if you are:

(1) international bachelor degree program student with an average GPA of 3.0 or above for the previous two semesters;
(2) international master or PhD degree program student with an average GPA of 3.3 or above for the previous two semesters;
(3) affiliated to College of Social Sciences
(4) NOT graduating from NTU in summer 2023

Local Taiwanese students, Chinese citizens, overseas Chinese born abroad (僑生) shall not apply.

Please submit the application form online ( https://forms.gle/5Wz4cB3HazZY6j6y8 ), and email the scanned copy of (1) your NTU student ID card, (2) official full academic transcript, (3) ARC card both front and back, and (4) NTU enrollment certificate, to r12941039.ntu@gmail.com . Entitle the email as YOUR STUDENT ID# for 2023 international student scholarship application.  Your application needs to reach us by May 26, 2023.

If granted, you will receive NTD36,000-50,000 (depending on the number of students awarded) in a single installment into your bank account.  

Contact person: 
Ms. Shiau-ying HUNG
Tel: 02-3366-8434
E-mail: syhung@ntu.edu.tw