Global Welfare Research Project: Social Safety Net Features in East Asia
(一)時間:2022. 11. 30 (三) 20:00-21:20
Zoom Meeting ID:441 816 3238
(三)講者/主持:臺大社工系 汪書華 副教授
Dr. Julia Shu-Huah Wang’s (汪書華) research focuses on social welfare policies, poverty alleviation interventions, immigration policies, and the well-being of families. She is currently working on several research projects, including global welfare regimes; social safety nets in East Asia; social welfare policies during COVID-19; social service delivery, impacts of social policies on families; and impacts of migration policies.
This research investigates East Asian safety nets features by exploring welfare content (generosity, coverage, protective vs. productive, and work incentives) and welfare outcomes (poverty reduction and income redistribution) for lower income population in mainland China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan using a model family approach.
[This seminar is supported by Taiwan National Science and Technology Council (111-2628-H-002-020-).]