


【人事動態】【教師介紹】國發所 訪問學者 戴賢將博士


Dr Michael Tai (戴賢將) is a visiting scholar at the Graduate Institute of National Development, NTU. He receives the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Taiwan Fellowship to assess the New Southbound Policy. His research interests include international political economy and East Asian politics. He has written about US-China relations, the Belt and Road Initiative, and China's relations with her maritime neighbors. He has contributed op-eds to the Tokyo-based Diplomat news magazine and spoken on BBC World Service. 
Dr Tai has wide industry experience having worked in consulting and management in the media, steel and transportation sectors. He holds a bachelor's and master's degree in mechanical and industrial engineering from Cornell University, and a MBA and PhD from the University of Cambridge. He was a Rajawali Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School in 2011. He has taught finance in Kyrgyzstan and Belarus, and development studies at the University of Cambridge. Dr Tai speaks fluent Chinese, French, German and Malay.