


【國際交流】2025 年 1 月 9-10 日本院與澳洲國大政府與國際關係學院交流

2025.1.9-10 本院張佑宗院長帶領研究團隊赴紐西蘭威靈頓維多利亞大學參與 2025 年亞洲政治學方法論學會暨大洋洲計量政治學學會聯合年會。院長此行於與會之澳洲國立大學政治與國際關係學院同仁會晤,進一步推動台大與澳洲國大在社會科學研究與教學的國際合作計畫。本院隨行人員有郭銘傑國際長與黃凱苹副教授。

From January 9 to 10, 2025, Dean Yu-tzung Chang led a delegation from NTU college of Social Sciences to participate in the 2025 Joint Annual Conference of the Asian Political Methodology Association and the Australasian Society for Quantitative Political Science held at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The delegation met with conference attendants from the School of Politics and International Relations at the Australian National University to promote international collaboration between NTU and ANU in social science research and education. Accompanying the delegation were Associate Dean for International Affairs Jason Kuo and Associate Professor Kai-Ping Huang.