


【研究分享】社會系范雲副教授 - Social Movements During Taiwan’s Democratic Transition: Linking Activists to the Changing Political Environment

范雲是台大社會系副教授,專長為社會運動、公民社會與性別政治。她的文章曾經出版在Sociological Theory、台灣社會學、台灣政治學刊、與Social Justice等期刊。她的新書Social Movements During Taiwan’s Democratic Transition: Linking Activists to the Changing Political Environment. 剛剛在Routledge 出版社出版。她目前的研究計畫是關於風災後三個原住民部落的重建努力;此外,她也是社會民主黨的召集人。


Examining the relationships between activists and the changing political environment, this book analyzes the trajectories of three major social movements in Taiwan during the country’s democratic transition between 1980 and 2000. In doing so, it explores why the labor and environmental movements became less partisan, while the women’s movement became more so.

Providing a comparative discussion of these critical social movements, this book explores key theoretical questions and presents a rich and comprehensive analysis of social activism during this period of Taiwan’s political history. It focuses on causal mechanisms and variation and thus avoids the tautological trap of finding an "improving" political opportunity structure wherever a social movement is flourishing. Drawing on extensive data from over 140 activists’ demographic backgrounds, the discussion also builds upon existing studies of the "biographical" aspects of contention. This study then asks further questions about how certain tactics are chosen, not only how a repertoire of contention comes to have the shape it does.

Combining both a theoretical and an empirical approach, this book will be useful to students and scholars of Taiwanese politics and society, as well as social movements and democracy more generally.