


【人事動態】【新進學者】東亞民主研究中心 魏德榮博士後研究員

img6   魏德榮將於今年11月正式成為東亞民主研究中心延聘博士後研究員,其於2014年獲得台灣大學政治學博士學位,博士論文為「台灣與南韓民主化後的政黨和政黨體系制度化:政黨與選民的連結關係」。魏德榮博士也曾經擔任台灣民主基金會的研究員,研究領域包括東亞地區的政黨研究、民主化與民主鞏固等議題。    
    Mark Weatherall completed his Ph.D. at the Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University in 2014. His Ph.D. thesis was on “Party and Party System Institutionalization Following Democratization in Taiwan and South Korea: Linkages between Parties and Voters.” He has since worked at the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy as a research fellow. His research interests include political parties, democratization, and democratic consolidation, with a focus on the East Asia region.