Our 2015 Academic Excellence Program focuses on the four following areas:
(1) Research: Strengthen academic research capacity, transforming quantitative increase into qualitative improvement
(2) Teaching: Facilitate an excellent research-based teaching environment for our faculty and students
(3) Research Centers: Select and focus on top research fields as unique strengths for our Research Centers
(4) Internationalization: Promote international exchange and engagements among both faculty and student members
(1) Teaching
I-Sian Lecture

Improve Teaching Quality

(1) Recruit adjunct professors
(2) Recruit outstanding professors
(3) Recruit teaching assistants
(4) Improve teaching quality
(5) Establish E-learning environment and improve teaching and research facilities
(2) Research
Publish journal articles and books: Our faculty members have published widely in SSCI, SCI, TSSCI, and other important journals. Many professors also have their books and book chapters published by globally and locally renowned publishers.
In 2015, the total number of publications in different genre are listed belowed:
-SSCI and SCI Journal Articles:83
-TSSCI Journal Articles: 45
-Other Journal Articles: 84
-Book Chapters: 53
-Books: 29
-Faculty members serving as journal editors: (including 31 number of people serving as editors for influential international journals)
2006-2015 COSS Paper Publications in SCI/SSCI and TSSCI Listed Journals

Percentage of COSS journals with top 15% and top 40% JCR 5-year impact factor
Publish Academic Journals
We publish numerous peer-reviewed academic journals: including two international journals, the Pacific Economic Review (PER) and Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics (APJAE), listed and indexed by SSCI. Our faculty also serve as edtior-in-chief and managing editor for two international renowed journals: Asian Ethnicity, and East Asian Science, Technology, and Society: an International Journal; We also published four Chinese journals that are listed by Taiwan Social Citation Index (SSCI), including the Taiwanese Journal of Political Science, Taiwan Economic Review, Taiwanese Sociology, and NTU Social Work Review.

Financial support for inter-school cooperation programs have started in 2008 with 110 applications, and 20 of them in 2015. We have collaborated with global higher education institutions, such as Harvard University, Washington University at St. Louis, Columbia University, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Based on these cooperation works, we hope to continue to engage in research activities across different universities and disciplines, so as to enhance the quantity and quality of our research works.
We are home to five Research Centers, and each has its own research niche. These Centers have contributed to a great volume of top journal articles, and books, and book chapters published by internationally renowned publishers and university press. These Centers also hold scholarly events and workshop year-round. In 2015, the Centers have held a total of 44 academic conferences and have invited 52 overseas fellows.
- Support Department-level Academic Publications

Cross-sector Cooperation
in 2015, Taiwan's Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) granted COSS 87 projects with a total amount of NT$94,828,543. There are also 25 projects sponsored by other institutions and agencies, adding to NT$39,153,538. There are 112 cross-sector cooperation projects in 2015, the same figure as last year, but the total amount increased from NT$103,163,283 during last year to NT$133,163,283 this year.

Our key internalization strategies include the four following aspects:
(1) Deepen exchange with key partner schools;
(2) Forge agreements that encourage students to go on foreign exchange programs;
(3) Encourage faculty and students to join international events;
(4) Invite and recruit world renowned scholars to come and teach, exchange and conduct research
(Number of International Students Studying for Degrees)

(Number of Exchange Students, both incoming and outgoing)