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With the explosion of Internet accessibility and online information sharing, the exchanged of knowledge has long crossed geographical and organizational boundaries. Studies in social sciences can no longer be confined to a single field, as most issues of social structures and economic activities now may only be resolved with interdisciplinary approaches. In order to address challenges brought forth by such changes, the NTU College of Social Sciences (COSS) has established six college-level research centers as a platform for academic collaboration among the COSS departments.
The COSS has been focusing on the integration across our departments, cultivating top-of-the-line faculty members and experts and creating a sound system for academic activities. We seek to conduct social science studies in a global context and, at the same time, understand and respond  to the current challenges faced by the Taiwanese society.
Among the six research centers, the Hu Fu Center for East Asia Democratic Studies focuses on patterns of political and social transformations throughout Asia. The Center has teams on the field in 14 Asian countries, and is able    to collect comprehensive material on East Asian studies. It is also the first academic institute in the world to extend its research efforts into Myanmar.
In response to the rise of China, the Center for China Studies targets its research in areas such as cross-Strait relations, political, economic and social changes within China, and China’s role in the regional economic integration in Southeast Asia.
Global Asia Research Center (GARC) at National Taiwan University was established in July 2017 to promote research on Asian interactions and comparison and to stimulate new ways of understanding Asian modernities in a globalized world. GARC encourages social studies that compare similarity and difference across Asian societies and examine transnational movements of people, capital and culture. GARC supports scholars at NTU to conduct multidisciplinary research and to collaborate with global research partners. The mission of GARC is to establish platforms for exchanges and collaboration across sub-fields and nations and to build alliance networks with research institutions in Asia and around the world.
The COSS considers social responsibilities to be as important as academic achievements, and seeks to produce research results that have an actual impact on government policies. The Risk Society and Policy Research Center has been educating the public about transboundary risks, aiming to form a sizable network that can facilitate social transformation in Taiwan.
The COSS research centers hold seminars and lectures from time to time in order to disseminate research results to government and private sectors. The Public Economics Research Center, for example, combines resources from different departments when discussing public economics. It also serves as a platform for information exchange between academia and industry.
As Big Data becomes the phenomenon of our age, academic activities involve more than working with pen and paper. The Behavioral and Data Science Research Center collects and systematically organizes material from government agencies along with decades of work by the COSS faculty and scholars. The database is available for all the NTU COSS researchers.

COSS Research Center 
