Ms. Bärbel Höhn is a German Politician whose primary interests are energy transition and non-nuclear policy formulation and execution.
Known as a zealous advocator of energy transition and non-nuclear policy formulation and execution, German politician Ms. Bärbel Höhn was invited by National Taiwan University Risk Society and Policy Research Center (hereafter referred to as “the Center”) to engage in academic exchange and attend the international forum on energy transition and nuclear waste treatment held at NTU in late June, 2016.
On the first day of her visit, Ms. Bärbel Höhn, accompanied by Prof. Kuang-Jung Hsu, Director of the Mothers’ Alliance for Monitoring Nuclear Power Plants, shared her views on enery transition with Prof. Kuei-Tien Chou, Chief Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Center. The meeting focused on the ways Germany had adopted to address energy transition, coal-fired power, energy tax, energy justice, development of renewable energy, and energy efficiency. The importance of establishing social value during the promotion of energy transition was also touched upon. Ms. Bärbel Höhn was also happy to know the release of the Chinese translation of the World in Transition: A Social Contract for Sustainability (2011).
The conferences room was packed and full of interaction.
The next day (30 June), Ms. Bärbel Höhn gave a talk at the international forum on energy transition and nuclear waste treatment held in Tsai Lecture Hall. The forum was jointly organized by the Mothers’ Alliance for Monitoring Nuclear Power Plants, Risk Society and Policy Research Center, and Yilan Charlie Chen Foundation. Ms. Bärbel Höhn was joined by Prof. Kuang-Jung Hsu, Director of the Mothers’ Alliance for Monitoring Nuclear Power Plants, Prof. Zi-Lun Lin, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Energy and Carbon Reduction Office, Executive Yuan, and, Prof. Yuan-Tseh Lee, Laureate of Academia Sinica. The forum was packed with like-minded people, revealing the increasing awareness of energy transition of the Taiwanese who has been suffering from stress of power usage in the blistering summer heat.
Visitation by Representatives of the Faculty of Arts and Social Science, University of Malaya
Dr. Md Sidin Ahmad Ishak and Dr. Hanafi Hussin, Dean and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Science, University of Malaya, visited the College on 25 May 2016. They were greeted by Dr. Kuo-Hsien Su and Dr. Yu-Tzung Chang, Dean and Associate Dean of the College, as well as Dr. Han-Pu Tung and Dr. Chao-Chen Lin, Director of the College’s International Affairs and Director of the Graduate Institute of Journalism.
The University of Malaya (UOM) is located in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia. It is the oldest and one of the leading universities in Malaysia. The National University of Singapore, the leading Ivy-League university in Asia, was formerly the UOM Singapore Campus. The UOM currently employs roughly 3,600 employees and serves roughly 18,000 students.
The UOM has signed the MoU for academic collaboration and the university-level exchange student agreement with National Taiwan University, as well as college-level exchange student agreements with the College of Engineering and College of Public Health. The two representatives expressed that their interests centered on exchange student and from there they hoped to gradually increase correspondence with NTU College of Social Sciences. Director Lin related that NTU is excited about going up against UOM in the upcoming Mandarin Debate Tournament and acknowledged the UOM as “formidable opponents”.
As the visitation drew to a close, the representatives attended a tour of the Koo Chen-Fu Memorial Library. They were deeply impressed by the layout and design of the library, drawing a perfect ending to a pleasant visitation.
Dr. Oshimura Takashi, Vice President of Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan, Visits the College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University
Dr. Oshimura Takashi, Vice President of Aoyama Gakuin University (AGU), accompanied by Dr. Paul Chen, an NTU alumni and Professor of University of Tokyo, visited the College on 10 May 2016. They were received by Dr. Kuo-Hsien Su, Dean of the College of Social Sciences, Dr. Han-Pu Tung, Director of the College’s International Affairs, and Dr. Yung-Mau Chao, Professor of the Department of Political Science, NTU.
AGU is a renowned private institution in Japan, providing an integrated education system from pre-school to higher education. NTU has maintained an excellent relationship with AGU. Dr. Junichi Umetsu, President of AGU, visited the College in August 2015. The College provided a space for AGU to establish its Taiwan Office. AGU has signed the MoU for academic collaboration and university- and college-level exchange student agreements with NTU.
Politics and economics are the core departments of development in AGU. Unlike COSS, these two disciplines operate as independent colleges in AGU. NTU and AGU look forward to signing a double bachelor degree agreement in politics and economics. Dr. Takashi said that AGU welcomes students from NTU and would consider offering scholarships for students seeking to pursue this program.
[2016 PKU DAY @ NTU] Forum on Cross-Strait Politics and Governance
Souvenir presentation by Dr. Philip Hsu, Chairperson of the Department of Political Science, NTU
Participants of the PKU DAY @ NTU Forum
The Department of Political Science held Forum on Cross-Strait Politics and Governance on 23 March 2016 in the COSS First Conference Hall as part of the Peking University Day at National Taiwan University (PKU DAY @ NTU) activities. Participants included Dr. Ke-Ping Yu, Executive Dean of the School of Government, PKU; Prof. Xiang-Lin Xu and Associate Prof. Kai Tian of the School of Government, PKU; Honorary Prof. Yung-Mau Chao and Chairperson Prof. Philip Hsu of the Department of Political Science, NTU; Prof. Chih-Yu Shih, Prof. Hung-Dah Su, and Associate Prof. Teng-Chi Chang of the Department of Political Science, NTU; Prof. Chwen-Wen Chen of the Graduate Institute of Public Affairs, NTU; and Assistant Prof. Nai-Ling Kou of the Taiwan Public Governance Research Center.
Opening remarks were provided by Dr. Yu and Dr. Hsu. Dr. Yu specifically called for the establishment of a bi-directional exchange platform to encourage scholarly exchange involving even more PKU and NTU colleges and departments. The forum commenced after a simple pleasantry. Representatives of the two schools each presented a 40-min report on their views on cross-strait government and governance, followed by a 10-minute Q&A.
Taiwan Institutions and Economic History Association Founding Meeting
Taiwan Institutions and Economic History Association held its founding meeting on Oct. 17, 2015 along with an international academic conference. COSS Dean Su and Academician Liu Ts'ui-Jung were both invited to speak for the occasion.
Taiwan Institutions and Economic History Association aims to elevate cross-disciplinary research with a membership that includes law, history, and economic professors and scholars.
East Asian Junior Workshop:Kyoto University-Seoul National University-National Taiwan University
East Asian Junior Workshop: Highlights from Exchange Program between Sociology
Departments from Kyoto University, Seoul University, and National Taiwan University
The annual East Asian Junior Workshop was hosted by NTU’s Department of Sociology this year. This five-day exchange took place from Aug. 14, during which 15 faculty members and students from Japan and Korea, and 20 professors and students from NTU jointly participated in the workshop. The first three day of the workshop, under the theme “Governing Urban Space: Globalization, Life-styles, and Class Politics,” guided participants to different communities in Taipei. The last two days was a seminar that covered six presentations by the students, including topics such as migration, national identity gender inequality, national governance, risk adjustment, and culture and solidarity.