Besides the impressive volume of academic research papers published by our faculty, the College of Social Sciences has helped to edit several international and local journals, including two journals that are indexed by Web of Science's Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics (
APJAE) is an international forum intended for theoretical and empirical research in all areas of economics and accounting in general. In particular, the journal encourages submissions in the following areas: auditing, financial reporting, earnings management, financial analysts, the role of accounting information, international trade and finance, industrial organization, strategic behavior, market structure, financial contracts, corporate governance, capital markets, and financial institutions. The journal is indexed by Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).
Pacific Economic Review is a double-blined referrred journal published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. It publishes high-quality articles in all areas of economics, both theoretical and empirical, and welcomes in particular analyses of economic issues in the Asia-Pacific area. Contributors include Nobel Laureates and leading scholars from all over the world. The journal, inaugurated in 1994 and publishing five times a year since 2007, is of interest to academics, policy-makers, and corporate economists. The journal is the official publication of the Hong Kong Economic Association and has a strong editorial team and international board of editors. The journal is indexed in all major abstracting and indexing service such as SSCI, EconLit, ABI/INFORM, SCOPUS, etc.
Asian Ethnicity provides a cross-disciplinary, international venue for the publication of well-researched articles about ethnic groups and ethnic relations in the half of the world where questions of ethnicity now loom largest. The Journal covers any time period, although the greatest focus is expected to be on the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In broad terms the geographical region of concern for the journal is bounded by Lake Baikal to the north, Japan to the east, Java to the south and the Caspian Sea to the west. The most populous, and probably most significant, contemporary political states to be included are China, India and Indonesia
East Asia Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (EASTS) Sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan,
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (
EASTS) aims to bring together East Asian and Western scholars from the fields of science, technology, and society (STS). Examining issues such as human embryonic stem-cell research, family and reproductive technologies, and the globalization of Chinese medicine, the journal publishes research on how society and culture in East Asia interact with science, technology, and medicine.
EASTS serves as a gathering place to facilitate the growing efforts of STS networks from Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, North America, and Europe to foster an internationally open and inclusive community. EASTS is Indexed/abstracted in the following:
Academic OneFile, Academic Search International, Bibliography of Asian Studies, Scopus, SocINDEX, Summon by Serial Solutions.
In addition to International Journals, COSS also published several local journals to promot dialogs among Taiwanese scholars.

Taiwanese Sociology. National Taiwan University Journal of Sociology is published by the Department of Sociology since 1964. In 2000, the National Taiwan University Journal of Sociology merged with another leading sociological journal, the Taiwan Sociological Review, previously published by the Institute of Sociology of Academia Sinica (ISSN 1680-2969). Taiwanese Sociology is published semi-annually and has published more than 30 issues since its founding. Taiwanese Sociology is indexed/listed in CSA/Sociological Abstracts.
Taiwan Economic Review is a jounanl sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, published quarterly by the department of economics since 1970. It has been awarded and sponsored by the National Science Council as the best economic journal in Taiwan. The journal covers variety of theoretical topics and social issues, with an emphasis on empircal findings and policy relevant outcomes.
NTU Social Work Review was formerlly published by the Department and Graduate Institute of Sociology since 1999. It is to provide a forum for academic exchange to raise the professionalism of social work by stimulating discussions and publication of articles. It also aims to enhance the international exposure of local academic research in related fields. It is the leading journal in the discipline of social work and social policy. It has been included in the list of Taiwan Social Science Citation Index since 2010.
Taiwanese Journal of Political Science is a quarterly journal published by the Department of Political Science since 1990.
Journal of National Development Studies The aim of the Journal of National Development Studies (JNDS) is to combine theoretical and practical policy and interdisciplinary research. The journal passed the evaluation of Taiwan's humanities and social sciences journals by the
Ministry of Science and Technology in 2017 and was designated a Category 3 journal. JNDS welcomes academic paper submissions in the fields of politics, law, sociology, Mainland China studies, and East Asian civilization and culture.