Department of Political Science
In 1947, the Political Science Department was established under the School of Law. In response to academic needs, the Department was subdivided in 1963 into Political Theory, International Relations, and Public Administration. A Master program was established a program granting an Executive Master of Public Administration. A Doctoral program became available in 1976. NTU’s Political Science program offers much flexibility to students. Although students need to take a few mandatory subjects within their subdivision, they are also encouraged to broaden their interests and choose classes in other subdivisions.

Composition of Political Science Department student:

Global partner:
School of Political Science and Economics and the School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University
Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong
Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)
Sciences Po Bordeaux
School of Politics and International Relations, Australian National University
Department of Political Science, College of Social Science, Charles University in Prague
School of Law, Tohoku University
Panthéon-Assas Paris II University
Research areas

Complete and comprehensive
Our department offers renowed degrees at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. The undergraduate program is divided into three divisions with separate recruitment processes: political theory, international relations and public administration.
Dual-degree Program with Waseda University
We have offered a dual-degree program with Waseda University since 1996. To date, more than 40 undergraduate students have received dual degrees under this program.
East Asian Studies
This English-only program will also serve as the foundation for future dual-degree programs at the master and doctoral levels with partner higher education institutions in Europe, North America, and other Asian countries.

Our department has a total of 37 full-time and 19 adjunct faculty members, all of whom have outstanding qualifications. The department will continue to hire highly-specialized professionals with a passion for teaching to maintain the quality of our faculty and the department’s recognized ranking.
Courses Conducted in English

Tel: +886-2-33668450
Fax: +886-2-23653433