Ms. Bärbel Höhn is a German Politician whose primary interests are energy transition and non-nuclear policy formulation and execution.
Known as a zealous advocator of energy transition and non-nuclear policy formulation and execution, German politician Ms. Bärbel Höhn was invited by National Taiwan University Risk Society and Policy Research Center (hereafter referred to as “the Center”) to engage in academic exchange and attend the international forum on energy transition and nuclear waste treatment held at NTU in late June, 2016.
On the first day of her visit, Ms. Bärbel Höhn, accompanied by Prof. Kuang-Jung Hsu, Director of the Mothers’ Alliance for Monitoring Nuclear Power Plants, shared her views on enery transition with Prof. Kuei-Tien Chou, Chief Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Center. The meeting focused on the ways Germany had adopted to address energy transition, coal-fired power, energy tax, energy justice, development of renewable energy, and energy efficiency. The importance of establishing social value during the promotion of energy transition was also touched upon. Ms. Bärbel Höhn was also happy to know the release of the Chinese translation of the World in Transition: A Social Contract for Sustainability (2011).
The conferences room was packed and full of interaction.
The next day (30 June), Ms. Bärbel Höhn gave a talk at the international forum on energy transition and nuclear waste treatment held in Tsai Lecture Hall. The forum was jointly organized by the Mothers’ Alliance for Monitoring Nuclear Power Plants, Risk Society and Policy Research Center, and Yilan Charlie Chen Foundation. Ms. Bärbel Höhn was joined by Prof. Kuang-Jung Hsu, Director of the Mothers’ Alliance for Monitoring Nuclear Power Plants, Prof. Zi-Lun Lin, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Energy and Carbon Reduction Office, Executive Yuan, and, Prof. Yuan-Tseh Lee, Laureate of Academia Sinica. The forum was packed with like-minded people, revealing the increasing awareness of energy transition of the Taiwanese who has been suffering from stress of power usage in the blistering summer heat.